Scientist Advisory Team

Zhou Qilin

Zhou Qilin

Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhou Qilin

● Professor, Nankai University
● Expert in chiral catalysis
● Research area: Asymmetric catalysis, including design and synthesis of novel chiral ligands and chiral catalysts, development of novel asymmetric catalysis, and synthesis of chiral drugs

Ma Dawei

Ma Dawei

Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ma Dawei

● Researcher, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
● Research area: Total synthesis and organic synthesis of complex natural products with important physiological activities

Yu Biao

Yu Biao

Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yu Biao

● Director, State Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry
● Expert in carbohydrate chemistry

Wang Guangji

Wang Guangji

Member, Chinese Academy of Engineering

Wang Guangji

● Expert in pharmacokinetics
● Research area: Pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology

Hu Jinbo

Hu Jinbo

Director, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch

Hu Jinbo

● Expert in fluorine chemistry
● Research area: New reagents and reactions in fluorine chemistry

Li Ang

Li Ang

Deputy Director, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Li Ang

● Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry
● Expert in total synthesis
● Research area: Chemical synthesis of active natural products

Tang Wenjun

Tang Wenjun

Researcher, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Tang Wenjun

● Expert in asymmetric catalysis
● Research area: Asymmetric catalysis and pharmaceutical processes

Andreas Flüeckiger

Andreas Flüeckiger

Occupational Safety and Health Specialist

Andreas Flüeckiger

● Former global head of occupational health and occupational toxicology at Roche
● Expert in occupational health assessment and EHS audit

Core Research Team

Che Daqing

Che Daqing

Ph.D., University of Marburg

Che Daqing

● Postdoc, University of Calgary
● High-level Talent in Zhejiang
● Published more than 20 papers in SCI-indexed journals
● Focuses on development of small-molecule drugs and development and applications of green chemistry processes, with 30 years of experience in organic synthesis and drug synthesis; Developed green synthetic routes for more than 30 APIs and more than 2,000 small-molecule compounds, and undertook multiple major national and provincial research projects.

Li Yuanqiang

Li Yuanqiang

Ph.D., Kyushu University

Li Yuanqiang

● Postdoc, Columbia University
● High-level Talent in Zhejiang; Leader of the Leading Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of Zhejiang Province
● Professor-level Senior Engineer
● More than 20 years of experience in API process development and production, particularly in the development and industrialization of green synthesis technologies, such as chiral catalysis, fluorine chemistry, continuous flow reactions, and enzyme catalysis

Yin Lifang

Yin Lifang

Ph.D., China Pharmaceutical University

Yin Lifang

● Postdoc, Peking University
● Professor and Doctoral Advisor, China Pharmaceutical University
● External Reviewer, Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) of the National Medical Products Administration
● Published more than 40 papers in SCI-indexed journals
● First prize winner of the Jiangsu Science and Technology Progress Award
● Nearly 30 years of research on DPs and their quality and pharmacokinetics; extensive research on new dosage forms and technologies for DPs to address the challenges in DP industrialization and standard determination

Chen Gong

Chen Gong

Ph.D., Sun Yat-sen University

Chen Gong

● Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Rising Star, Innovative Talent of Taizhou's 500 Elite Plan
● Published 10 papers in SCI-indexed journals and filed 7 patent applications
● Over 20 years of experience in drug development and production management; involved in process safety assessments for over 500 scale-up projects

Yan Pucha

Yan Pucha

Ph.D., Nankai University

Yan Pucha

● Zhejiang's 151 Talent
● Research area: Total synthesis and organic synthesis of complex natural products with important physiological activities

David A. Perrey

David A. Perrey

Ph.D., University of St Andrews

David A. Perrey

● Postdoc, Georgia Institute of Technology
● Head of the synthesis team at Raybow USA; responsible for preclinical discovery, process development, small-scale production, etc.

Xu Feng

Xu Feng

Ph.D., Zhejiang University of Technology

Xu Feng

● Innovative Talent of Taizhou's 500 Elite Plan
● Published 5 papers in SCI-indexed journals
● Has extensive experience in custom peptide synthesis; led more than 10 projects for FDA and NMPA registration, including polypeptide APIs and lyophilized powder injections

Matthew G. Lauer

Matthew G. Lauer

Ph.D., Ohio State University

Matthew G. Lauer

● Postdoc, University of Alabama
● Focuses on the synthesis and separation of organic and organometallic compounds; has extensive experience in developing and optimizing new chemical reactions


Li Yonggang

Li Yonggang

Ph.D., East China University of Science and Technology

Li Yonggang

● MBA, BI Norwegian Business School-Fudan University
● Published 6 papers in SCI-indexed journals
● Focuses on API process development, with 20 years of experience in organic synthesis and process development; completed over 60 API process development projects and undertook multiple municipal and district research projects

Yu Shuai

Yu Shuai

Ph.D., Seoul National University

Yu Shuai

● Postdoc, City University of New York
● Published first-author papers in Organic Letters, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, and ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
● Over 10 years of experience in total synthesis of natural products, development of small-molecule drugs, and API process development
● Developed synthetic routes for more than 10 APIs and over 100 small-molecule compounds